The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Moors

It's so exciting to see An Other Theater Compay begin its 3rd season in Provo. This theater company is so incredible and the work they are doing is monumental!

"The Moors," directed by dear friend Angela Nibley is a very strange tale (Dark Comedy about love, desperation, and a moor-hen). I didn't know what to expect when sitting down last night to watch this wickedly hilarious play by Jen Silverman, but I wasn't disappointed at all! What a fun evening of theater! I am so happy for Angela and her success with this wonderful play! Believe me, what actually happens on the stage is nothing you could possibly imagine, and that is what makes this play and this awesome production so incredible and so much fun!

The cast are all incredible! Each, very unique in their own right, and the artists behind these delightful characters are consummate professionals at the top of their game. Bryn Curry as Agatha was precise and calculating in her performance which led to the eerieness and mystery behind this piece. I have loved Bryn in her previous work at AOTC, particularly as Mary in "The Rapture Happens at Midnight." Maddie Smith as Huldey is making her AOTC debut and what a delight! She is so energetic and fun to watch on stage. Her character made a nice contrast between herself and Agatha. The relationship was very clear and concise. Vivianne Turman gave a hilarious performance as Mallory/Marjory the two manorhouse maids. Chelsea Hickman gave a heartbreaking and honest performance as Emilie, the governess. I have admired Chelsea's work at AOTC including Ruth in "The Rapture Happens at Midnight" and Uncle Peck in "How I Learned to Drive." Rounding out the incredible ensemble in two hilarious and heartbreaking performances were Bryce Lloyd Fueston as The Mastiff and Laura Elise Chapman as The Moor Hen. I was rooting for these two delightful characters throughout the entire performance. Bryce is amazing in anything that he does and this was the first time I had seen Laura and she was so delightful and amazing in her performance; I look forward to seeing her again soon!

Kudos to the entire design team and staff for a job well done! I highly urge you to get down to the Provo Towne Center to see this amazing theatrical work. It's the regional premiere and will most likely not be done again for a very long time, if ever in Utah. This theater is doing remarkable work in Utah County and bringing a unique voice to local theater and works that need to be seen. Thank you to Kacey Spadafora and Taylor Jack Nelson and their entire team for doing what you are doing for Utah County theater!

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