The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I wasn't sure what to expect when I entered the movie theatre, but when I had seen that Kenneth Branagh was at the helm of this film I decided to give it a chance. I am so glad I did. What an incredibly beautiful piece of film making! From beginning to end, was pure heaven on earth! Wonderful care, love, and passion went into this film and you could tell on every frame of it! Kudos to Mr. Branagh for a job well done! The performances were magnificent. Downtown Abbey actress, Lily James is magnficent as Cinderella. Beautiful, smart, kind, loving, and absolutely beautiful to watch in every scene she's in. Richard Madden as Prince Charming was equally handsome, regal, and kind. He is not your typical prince as in other version's of this story, but he is wonderful! Cate Blanchett is magnificently evil as Madame Tremaine, her wicked stepmother. You could tell that Cate was having such fun with her role, and it made it all the more fun to hate her! Cate is one of my all-time favorite actresses from across the pond, and I have loved her in everything she's ever done, and this is no exception! The entire ensemble were incredible! And I must say that Dante Ferreti's Production Design and Sandy Powell's incredible Costume Design added so much to this incredible film. Absolutely breathtaking from beginning to end!

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