The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Monday, January 22, 2018

Bright Star

National Tour - Pioneer Theatre Company
Saturday, January 13, 2018

I have heard so much about this musical from friends and about the spellbinding performance by its leading lady, Carmen Cusack, that when it was announced that Pioneer Theatre Company was going to host the national tour and that Carmen Cusack was going to reprise her role for the tour that I had to leap at the opportunity to see this show at last. My life is changed forever!

Carmen Cusack. What a phenomenal actress! She broke my heart and made it whole again with her spectacular performance as the leading lady, Alice Murphy. From the moment she walked out on stage and the spotlight came up on her and she sang the opening number, "If You Knew My Story" I was hooked and mesmerized by this incredible lady! Suffice it to say, this story is nothing short of a miracle. I have to admit at intermission I was so shocked by what took place that I wasn't sure if I wanted to come back for Act Two, but the performer in me couldn't resist. I am so glad I did. I was moved to tears so many times in this musical and was deeply touched by it's story of loss, redemption, and hope, even in the darkest moments of our lives. Through the character of Alice Murphy and the incredible performance by Carmen Cusack, we personally go through what she goes through and feel every single hurt and triumph. I am so shocked that this musical didn't stay longer on Broadway. It's sad that it was overshadowed by the likes of "Hamilton," "Waitress," and the other big hits of the 2016 season. Not to demean those shows, I haven't seen them yet, but hope to. But from this performance, I would have voted for this show to sweep the Tony Awards including the Tony award for Best Actress for Carmen Cusack, hands down! This was a true ensemble piece, and what an ensemble! Not a weak link in the chain!!! Every performance impeccable and at the highest level possible professionally and emotionally! I am so glad this wonderful musical has come into my life! It plays until the end of this week! Don't miss it!

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