The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Friday, May 4, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War (Part One)

I am a huge Marvel fan and I, like everyone else was highly anticipating finally seeing this mammoth comic book story come to life, full knowing the ending. *Spoilers ahead*

This is now on my top 10 list of favorite Marvel films, second right after Doctor Strange. I got to see this epic film in IMAX 3D which added so much to the enjoyment of this film.

Directors, Anthony & Joe Russo did and excellent job in taking the helm of this massive undertaking in film making. This is no easy task, just watch DC films of late (Wonder Woman and the Dark Knight films being the exception) and realize that Marvel has it together and shows no sign of letting up or failing. Disney has really put their trust in a great producing and production team with their Marvel Division and giving them the freedom to do their best and not interfering like a lot of studios do and end up ruining so many potentially great films.

There was not a weak link in the ensemble of this piece. All, well most, of your favorite superheroes are here and they all blend well together. The final battle scenes were incredible to behold and simply breathtaking. And Josh Brolin did such an incredible job of turning Thanos into a real flesh and blood character, not a cardboard villain.

By the end of this film, I walked out like I was hit by a Mac Truck. It felt just like I did when I was 12, walking out of Empire Strikes Back and crying all the way home. But fortunately, we don't have to wait 3 years for Part Two.

Don't miss this film! This is absolutely a great example in great film making! This is what motion pictures are all about.

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