The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Love, Simon

When I was in high school I had John Hughes films to watch. Classics like: "The Breakfast Club," "Sixteen Candles," "Pretty in Pink." These were hilarious comedies but at the same time brought poignancy to the teen experience of the time. But for me, a young gay teen, I had no one like me up there on the big screen. No gay teen love stories for me. Well, with this incredibly funny and touching film, there is now a major studio Hollywood film with a love story/comedy about a gay teen. I am so happy, particularly for this generation of gay teens for a film like this. Leave it to director, Greg Berlanti (Brothers and Sisters) from my generation and gay, to direct and bring to the big screen the gay teen movie we always longed for when we were young and closeted.

Nick Robinson, the young actor who brings Simon to life on the screen is fantastic! He breaks your heart. He, like Molly Ringwald in "Sixteen Candles," pines away for the boy he has fallen in love with (albeit only by social media) and in the end, finally wins him. Nick is wonderful and beautiful in this role. The thing I admire about this film, except for a few very quick scenes, they don't prance him around the entire film showing off his body and you don't have any sex scenes in this film. It's all about first love and coming to terms with one's identity and being proud of who you are. He's cute and adorable and you fall in love with him the first scene he's in. You're rooting for him the entire length of the film! The wonderful Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel play Simon's parents magnificently! His coming out scene is heartbreaking and his one on one scenes with his parents are so moving and gut wrenching honest! This is a film that I hope will also help parents of LGBTQ kids and their ability to accept their kids and to be there for them no matter what. I hope it will open  up a dialogue between parents and their kids! The rest of the cast is incredible and truly a magnificent ensemble. Thank you to all involved and for the producers for having the courage to make a film like this for today's generation! Don't miss this film! It's now available on video!

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