The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Wife

Glenn Close gives the performance of her career in this gut wrenching and heartbreaking drama about a wife who is a brilliant writer in her own right who takes a back seat to her husband. On the surface that is what this film is about, the patriarchal society of the 60's but there is so much more there that only by watching this film for yourself can you unlock those secrets!

This film is so timely and so needed at this time and place in our culture. Women are still shoved to the back and finally, particularly in the arts, are coming in to their own and are finally being given the opportunity to have their voices heard! It's about damn time I say!!!! This film is a giant leap forward!

Jonathan Pryce and Glenn Close play Joseph and Joan Castleman who are traveling to Stockholm when Joseph is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. A lifetime of lies, deceit and marital issues come to a head while they are there and thanks to a rival author played wonderfully by Christian Slater, Joan comes to terms with her life and all the mistakes she has made in it!

I highly recommend this film for it's great character study and its incredible performances by all! I was left stunned and heartbroken by the film's end and that is what I love about good film making! Glenn Close richly deserved the Golden Globe she won for this fantastic performance!

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