The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Friday the 13th

Day 14 of my Halloween Film Fest. Nothing compares to this horror classic! Of course, when this came out, rightfully so, my parents wouldn't let me anywhere near this film. It was so controversial and considered almost pornographic. So I never saw this classic on the big screen, but when I finally got to see it when I was much older I absolutely appreciated it for what it is! It is nowhere near pornographic and the blood and gore is kiddie stuff compared to the crap that is done in movies today, but for it's time it was shocking and I can see that after viewing it many times since and appreciating it as a horror classic. This film was a box office hit back in 1980, but unfortunately, it spawned a huge sequel franchise that would almost destroy the horror genre forever. Every producer of horror films tried to beat it, create their own franchises, but what we got for so many years after, until Wes Craven came out with his classic, "Scream," was nothing but plot less junk with the focus on how bloody and how gory they could make it, nudity and sex taking center stage and characters you didn't give a damn about. These stupid "so called" artists nearly destroyed this genre and I have zero respect for any of them. I also include the sequel to this film, which I absolutely despise! I know it gave rise to the most famous of all horror movie villains, Jason Voorhees, but I feel if he had never come along, the horror genre would have stayed a much more respectable and artistic medium, but history is history.

Director, Sean S. Cunningham plays homage to Carpenter's "Halloween" as well as Hitchcock's "Psycho" in this horror classic and directs the incredible script with such artistry and give us a story of sheer terror and suspense! It never lets up from beginning to end and no other film following it has equaled it!

Don't mess with any of the sequels or the horrible remake. There is only one true original!

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