The official blog for Jason Evans (Actor, Blogger, Content Creator, Director, Designer, Dramaturg, Singer, Storyteller, Teaching Artist, Writer). Official Companion Blog for my YouTube Channel: "Jason the Nice One."

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mary Poppins Returns

Thank you Rob Marshall for bringing us back to the golden age of Disney! Thank you for bringing this world a piece of brilliant film making that is so desperately needed at this time in our nation! We need optimism, hope, family, and entertainment that can take us out of our worries for a few hours and at the same time bring us hope for the future. That is what you have brought to the world with "Mary Poppins Returns."

To be able to sit in a crowded movie theater and to see adults and children alike laugh and cry together, children singing songs as they leave the theater, was pure pure magic! This beautiful film brought me back to the joys of my childhood and brought back such happy memories of those golden age Disney films that brought me such joy as a child! Thank you Marc Shaiman for one incredible score and memorable songs, particularly the final song, who's message is so sorely needed today!

Emily Blunt, you were so so beautiful and exquisite as Mary Poppins. Reading the trivia on IMDB it was so heartwarming to read that Julie Andrews herself approved and gave her blessing to the casting of this remarkable talent! Every time the camera caught your eyes you made me cry. You were so lovely in the role and I can't think of anyone else playing this role other than Julie Andrews herself.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, you lit up the screen with that charming smile and your wonderful personality. You took an original role and created such a wonderful character and in your usual manner, brought us into the story from the beginning and kept us there! Ben Whishaw, you broke my heart as the adult Michael. You played this role with such vulnerability and sensitivity! I was rooting for you from the beginning. The beautiful Emily Mortimer as the adult Jane Banks, as always, lit up the screen with such beauty and poise! You captured the heart of this character so well and brought her into adulthood with such grace! Pixie Davies, Nathaniel Saleh & Joel Dawson you all lit up the screen with such innocence and pure joy as the Banks children. Thank you all for reminding us all of the joy of being a kid again! Julie Walters, you were pure joy as always as the wonderful Banks housekeeper, Ellen; Colin Firth, Meryl Streep, Angela Lansbury, and the incomparable Dick Van Dyke, you were all wonderful to see on the big screen once again! And thank you so much to the wonderful David Warner for your awesome performance as Admiral Boom; you can't have Mary Poppins without Admiral Boom!

This wonderful film was pure joy from beginning to end! Thank you Disney for allowing Rob Marshall to have his vision come to life on the big screen! Don't miss this wonderful film!!

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